
PropertyFile is an online platform designed to keep you informed & updated on property you’re renting.

Not registered for a PropertyFile account yet? Get in touch with us today.

Report maintenance issues and track their progress

By using our maintenance issue reporting tool you be safe in the knowledge that we have received it. No more chasing or calls to find out what is happening. A well reported issue is significantly more likely to be resolved quicker. Give photos to help the agent understand the problem. Get help and advice on common issues not covered by the tenancy agreement.

As the work progresses we keep you informed. You can use the messaging system to keep us updated of any extra details. Reporting issues properly ensures you don’t incur costs from unreported issues becoming worse and causing more damage that you may become liable for.

Find all your tenancy details in one place

With your PropertyFile account you stay in control and informed about all the relevant details of your tenancy. Use it to double check key dates, find out how much you owe on move in, and check your rent has been received.

You can also download key documents that we share with you such as your tenancy agreement. Managing your tenancy has never been so easy.

Instant access from any location on any device

PropertyFile is designed and built so that you can securely log into the system and access your vital information whenever and where ever you may need it.

Manage your tenancy online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week